Nancy Is a simple easy going person who hails from Ogun
State Nigeria, Born on the 21st
of March, she weighs 145lb and her height is 5"7; she loves
to meet new people and make friends. She resides in Staten Island, New York, where
she works as a nursing assistant and a model (part time). She loves shopping
and adventure(less scary ones) she loves Italian food but she is also a sucker
for Suya. She has a passion for photography and she is a down to
earth individual.
Hobbies-shopping and
Likes-honesty and
Dislikes-pride and arrogance
Role model-Nelson Mandela
Crushes-Elvis Presley (late), Denzel Washington and George Clooney.
What do u do to stay in shape-To stay In
shape I walk a lot and I watch what I eat
Instagram- Chocberrie